Atudis Kenya


Influenced by the new development paradigm which puts people before things, ATUDIS follows a participatory approach in every sphere of its work. The traditional knowledge of the rural poor is valued and respected, and there is confidence that local communities are capable of a self-reliant organization. On a practical level, the fundamental thrust of this approach is decentralization and empowerment.

For a community to be able to work for its own development and reduce its dependency, there is a need for full involvement at all stages of the development cycle. The participation of communities, identification, planning, management, implementation and evaluation of projects is a key factor in ATUDIS’s work. Internally a participatory approach is adopted in managing the affairs of ATUDIS.

Externally, ATUDIS’s role as a game changer helps to develop community management structures that can manage their own development.

This increases the ability of the community to demand accountability in all their affairs, from leaders and county officials. It reinforces the community’s belief in the value of their own development choices and efforts.

These community management structures are not parallel structures, but are built upon local institutions, promoting equitable representation and participation.
Human resource development is an essential part of ATUDIS’s development work. This means ensuring that the community is trained and skilled, as well as organized, to maximize their potential of community to take hold of its own development.

ATUDIS strongly believes in maximizing its impact by transferring field experiences into knowledge to influence the development policies and practices of NGOs, donors and government agencies. This is important for working towards the long-term goal of eradicating poverty.

ATUDIS Human Resources Strength

• Highly qualified, experienced and devoted professionals and board members and staff
• Adaptability to cope up and meet the requirements of diverse socio-cultural environments.
• Overwhelming support of local people and its leadership
• Acceptance as a representative of common people of the area
• Extensive network to undertake initiatives at grass root level
• The office set up with requisite infrastructure and staff
• Strong partnerships for undertaking innovative initiatives;

ATUDIS Memberships. We believe in collaborating with other Coalitions, Agencies & Initiatives for achieving our key sectoral areas. therefore, ATUDIS is a member to the following networks

• Turkana Civil Society Network
• Turkana Inter-agency working group
• Kalobeyei Integrated Social Economic Development Programme
• Multi-stakeholder member
• Kenya Platform for Climate Governance (KPCG) Registration
• Zero Tolerance Initiatives (ZTI)

Our Guiding Policies & Documents

• CIDP- County Integrated Development Plans
• KISEDP-Kalobeyei Integrated Social Economic Plan
• CoK-Constitution of Kenya 2010
• KNBS-Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
• KNCCI-Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
• DRDIP- Development Response to Displacement Impact Project
• GCR-Global Compact on Refugees
• KHSSIP- Kenya Health Sector Strategic and Investment Plan
• UNDAF- United Nations Development Assistance Framework
• SDG- Sustainable Development Goals