Atudis Kenya

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Our Strategies

A sustainable strategy is devised to achieve the maximum, a need based, and right based approach initiated ascertains the problem with full community involvement and mobilizing all indigenous and local resources. The program goal is materialized with a helping hand from members of donor agencies, philanthropists.

Elements of Our Implementation Strategies

ATUDIS follows the following strategies in the implementation of programs Interventions.

Community participatory integration approach: (CPIA)

Prior to implementation, ATUDIS normally facilitates the community to come up with their own action plan and prioritize the projects. The community being the major stake holder will be given the chance to prioritise its needs. Other stake holders and partners will also be contacted to share their experiences and avoid duplication. The beneficiaries will be selected through a well-structured, mutually agreed, and inclusive and gender sensitive criteria. They will then be sensitized and made aware of the project importance, involvement and ownership for sustainability. The beneficiaries will include classification of the vulnerable groups including women, men and youth.

Community Advocacies

ATUDIS believes in advocacy and therefore, beneficiaries have always strongly advocated for the issues related to ATUDIS. For achieving this objective, ATUDIS, through its strong advocacy has approached the line departments of the Turkana County Government, NGOs, CBOs, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), members of the community etc. ATUDIS has always promoted the right based approach and supported the dialogue as an important tool for achieving the above-mentioned objectives.


ATUDIS has always promoted networking with other NGOs, CBOs, CSOs, Media groups and concerned stakeholders for achieving their goal of sustainable development. Networking with other organizations has always proved very productive by playing as medium between the service providers and those at the receiving ed. Networking basically provides opportunity for looking at the issues from different angles ie from local, national and finally at the regional level. At every level, the perspective of issues changes, which then helps in comprehending the issues.